Friday, January 14, 2011

Books...and more is a wonderful day!  Last night I finally wrote the first chapter of a book I am working on about my mother...well she can't really be called mother because she wasn't so great a mothering, if you know what I mean?  It was very invigorating to let the words flow just like a stream flows along a countryside in the spring.  Let me start by saying, Brenda, wasnt a good woman, by any stretch of the imagination.  She was an alcoholic, depressed, selfish bad of bones walking around in flesh.  She had a total of six children, and she fully raised none of them. Not all of us had the same dad, suprise, surprise.  Hell, I didn't even meet the woman until I was 12 years old, and that was by complete accident that wasnt supposed to happened.  And now that she is dead, I wish that it would not have happened and we had never met.  If you want to know the details of why, then you will have to wait for the book.....

Onto the next topic...I have joined a book club at IT!!  Anyone who loves books should check it out, you can do anything there, the website is AWESOME.  That is where I published the first chapter of my book, so if you want, go check it out.  Now if you do, I need HONESTY when you comment and give me your opinion, even if its bad, I want total HONESTY, that is the only thing I ask.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hello!  I realize I have no one following me, but this is my blog, so I can write about anything I want!!  Today is a good day, well not really, our water pipes busted, and so now I can't do dishes or take a shower or anything!  My dog is sleeping here next to me-she is a full blooded boxer and is beautiful and very loyal!  Last night my friend Stacey and her daughters came down and we watche Toy Story 3.....which is actually really good!  So we watched that and pigged out on junk food and drank Kool-Aid.......meanwhile, my husband was down hanging out with Staceys husband bowling on the WII.  So anyway.  I am currently reading 3 books.  Marked by Elisabeth Naughton, Burned by PC Cast, and Blue Bloods.  I got turned on to a new author that I cannot wait to start reading, Laura Stamps.  So Stay Tuned......

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Its been awhile!!

Well it is a new year, with new books, new problems, new questions, new everything!  So far my year has started off great!  I joined a great book club, my husband is doing much better, so hopefully that stays the way it is!!  But if there is one thing I have learned towards the end of last year and the beginning of the new year is, family isn't always good.  Blood, doesn't autimatically make you family!  For anyone who thinks that they have to put up or deal with bullshit, because, its your family, think again!!  Your family is who you want it to be, blood doesn't mean shit!  Your family is people that love you and are there for you thru the worst times, not just the good,  and if your out there, you know who I'm talking about, don't you? 

On a lighter note, I have signed up for a book challenge to read at least 40 books before the years end.  I finally got my husband to read a book, and he actually finished it!!